
How much is shipping?

Please see our shipping information here

How long does it take to receive my order?

We begin shipping orders out within 1 business day. Delivery takes anywhere between 1-5 business days.

Do you ship internationally?

Yep! For international orders, we use DHL shipping and can take up to 5 business days, depending on your location

Where can I track my order?

Once your order ships, you'll receive an email with a tracking link to track your order.


How long do I have to return the item?

We accept returns within 14 days of the purchase date. Just please make the items are unworn and unwashed!

What if my items are damaged or defective?

We're here to help! Please email us at hello@sonnelife.com

When can I expect my refund?

It takes 10 business days for your refund. We will send you an email once the item has been received and your refund has been processed!


How do I know the correct size to buy?

Look for our size charts on each product page, which provide measurements for each size. Also - don't hesitate to contact us about your sizing measurements and preferences. We'll give you a recommendation.

How do I wash my items?

It's best to wash in cold water and dry on low.

Do your items shrink?

We pre-wash the clothes so you shouldn't experience a noticable shrinkage. That said, we still recommend washing in cool water to prevent any potential shrinkage.


Item is out of stock. How long will it be to get restocked?

The time it takes to get a particular item back in stock varies. For an estimated time frame please email us at hello@sonnelife.com

I want more colors of the item I love!

Well, feel free to emails us! We hear our customers and want to know your preferences.

Have you thought of doing adult sizes? Please do!

After many similar requests - we have something stylish in the works for you too! Stay tuned...


Can I use more than one discount code?

Only one discount code can be used per order and cannot be combined with other promotions.

The sale ended, can I still use the discount code?

To make things fair to everyone, sales discount codes can only be applied within the timeframe of the sale.


What payment methods do you accept?

We accept all major credit and debit cards, plus PayPal and Afterpay as alternate methods


Still have questions?

We're happy to help! Please email us at hello@sonnelife.com and we will get back to you within 24 hours.

Use coupon code WELCOME10 for 10% off your first order.


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